An Overview of Chocolate Mould History

The history of chocolate moulds is lengthy and fascinating, going back many centuries. These moulds, which are used to shape liquid chocolate into different shapes, are now a necessary component of the production of chocolate. The plastic chocolate molds have changed through time from basic forms to elaborate patterns; their history dates back to the 18th century. When chocolate was first introduced to Europe in the 17th century, the history of chocolate moulds began there. At that time, drinking chocolate was the primary method of consumption because it was a luxury good only for the wealthy. But as chocolate became more well-liked, so rose the need for fresh and inventive ways to serve it. Metal, usually copper or pewter, was used to create the first chocolate moulds. These moulds had a straightforward structure of two halves that were joined by a clamp to form a hollow cavity into which the liquid chocolate was poured. The mould was opened to show a solid chocolate figure or shape ...